We’re well into the summer (at least here in the northern hemisphere) and I’ve had a long break from writing anything. To my excuse I must say that the spring was exiting in many ways and I wasn’t as lazy as my blog activity could suggest.
One – Personal achievement
I’ve been doing public speaking many times before, not on Azure though as the cloud and IT world was a bit of a new territory for me when I changed job and moved away from control engineering.
I’ve had one speech, kind of a warm up one, a bit unexpected and a basic one, let’s call it level 100. It was fine but not what I expected from myself. Then (nearly a year later), in the end of the last year, I had an opportunity to talk at a local Azure meetup held by Microsoft Azure User Group Poland. This turned out quite OK and I decided to do something more about it.
And there it came! My CFP got accepted for AzureDay Poland 2019 and I had a huge pleasure to present during the biggest polish Azure conference in a beautiful venue of National Stadium along a splendid lineup of other speakers. This was an important experience and I hope to repeat it on a more regular basis.
Credits to ADStudio Sp. z o.o. and Microsoft Azure User Group Poland for great official pictures!
Two – The Build conference
There already have been million of posts with this conference’s summaries. I won’t do another one, just mention that this is (yearly) a best reminder of how exiting time it is to work with cloud and see how fast existing technologies are evolving and new are popping up. It’s just getting harder to keep up with them and this makes me sad a bit because I’d very much like to.
Three – Global Azure Bootcamp
Another great event with lots of Azure experts and with an inspiring worldwide competition. It’s held in so many locations around the world that it is a real shame not to attend. Just try to find a nearest location next year!
Four – Azure AD B2C Custom Policies GENERAL AVAILABILITY
Oh dear, this is good. At last, after long wait there came an official confirmation that the technology is mature, stable and ready to use in production environments. The announcement appeared 3 days before my speech at AzureDay Poland and I couldn’t help myself from sharing the news:
Cool, isn’t it? Very good timing Microsoft, very good 😉
Although… I also have my afterthoughts on it, after few months of following work. But that is building up step by step to finally, at some point, fit in a separate post.
What’s coming?
Now only some holiday with kids to charge batteries and off we go with posts on the blog. Keep your fingers crossed though, knowing my talent for postponing any writing I may need your spiritual support 😉